
Better Sleep for your Little Ones is Possible!

Local Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant Rebecca White Shares More

By By Krista Naldjian, publisher of Macaroni KID Brentwood January 29, 2024

Picture this, it's 2am, you're up AGAIN with your baby and you are so exhausted you can't even see straight.  If you're a parent, you've probably been there many times.  You're surviving, but not thriving and wondering if you just have to live like this until your baby gets much older.  There may be a way your baby (and you) can get more sleep, and local Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant Rebecca White wants to help!  Rebecca is helping local families get better sleep and today she's sharing some of her wisdom with us!

What inspired you to want to start your business?

When I was a first time mom, I had no idea how to handle my baby's sleep. It was a huge learning curve and those sleepless nights were so overwhelming. Once I started learning more about baby sleep, I realized that it wasn't this mysterious puzzle that could never be solved, but rather totally doable! People would say that I was so "lucky" to have a good sleeper and I always thought "wait a minute, I'm not lucky, I worked hard for this!" I realized that people think it's not possible to have a good sleeper and that they are stuck with a "bad sleeper", which is just simply not true. I wanted to be able to show parents that they could have a good sleeper too, and empower them with the tools necessary to do so.

What do you love most about what you do?

I love helping families feel better in all aspects of their lives. When your child isn't sleeping well, nobody is sleeping well and that impacts so many other parts of your daily life. Once everyone starts sleeping better, it's a game changer for everyone's moods! To see that positive shift in a family is awesome.

What do you love about working in the Brentwood area?

Brentwood is a great place to live and work. The sense of community, the resources, and the opportunities for families are so unique. It's a great place to raise a family.

What tips would you give someone looking for a sleep consultant?

When looking for a sleep consultant, make sure you feel comfortable with them.  A huge aspect of sleep consulting is communication, so you want to be able to work with someone that you feel comfortable talking to about your personal life. It's also important to work with someone who follows the AAP's guidelines for safe sleep. Safe sleep is of the utmost importance and if a potential consultant doesn't take that into account, it's a huge red flag. And finally, prior to working with a sleep consultant, it's important that you as the parent have the ABC's of sleep training covered: Ability to hold the Boundary Consistently. Communication with your consultant is key, but the most important part of sleep training is the parent's desire and ability. 

If you had a day off and were staying local, what would you love to do around town?

I love taking my kids to the parks around town. There are so many to chose from! We also like to visit Round Valley or Big Break to explore and burn some energy off so they are all ready for bedtime.

Anything exciting coming up for your business you'd like to share?

In the near future I hope to offer workshops and live Q&A's where we can work together to tackle those sleep problems in real time together. 

Any other encouragement you'd like to share with our Macaroni KID Brentwood parents?

Having an independent sleeper is possible!  Being a parent doesn't mean that you need to be permanently exhausted. Will there be hard seasons? Of course. But I am here to help support you and your child in learning those sleep skills that will help you all get through the tough times. I offer free discovery calls if you are interested in learning more.

Let me guess, she had you at "better sleep?" Be sure to follow Rebecca on social media and check out her website to learn more!

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