

May 26, 2018

This year has been a big one for my family for bikes. Our youngest daughter Emmy learned to ride a bike, our oldest daugther Payton got upgraded to a big kid bike that has a kick-stand (seriously, they thought it was the coolest thing and Emmy even started crying when she say it because her bike didn't have a kick-stand, or the little things in life), and I got a cruiser for Mother's Day so you better beliece I was excited when I saw 511 Contra Costa had put together a fun Summer Bike Challenge to help you get out and explore your hometown by bike this summer! 

The challenge is free and open to everyone. The Summer Bike Challenge is fun, healthy and no-cost summer recreation. Throughout summer on select dates you can bike to a given location at a given time and receive free goodies. There are also fun suggested bike places, like parks and schools, that it suggests biking to during any time over summer! Below if you click on the color images you'll be taken to the website where you can learn more information. Below that you'll find the black and white printable images for you to print out and enjoy biking this whole summer long! 

So who's biking around town this summer with us? I can't wait for all the fun! 

Find the Brentwood Printable Bike Challenge here!

Find the Oakley Printable Bike Challenge here!